Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Introductory Post

     Hello all!  Welcome to my blog!  Here I will attempt to delve deeper into a facet of art in which, I'll admit, my knowledge is a bit lacking.  And that facet is, if you couldn't already tell, art history.  Now, of course it would be foolish to attempt to cover all of the history of art, and that's not my intent.  My intent is to learn about art in a time period that interests me the most.  That era would be the 60s and 70s.

     Now, as a film major, obviously my initial exposure to this time period was through - can you guess? - That's right!  Film!  But, I'm not completely oblivious; I know that there were a lot of revolutions in the realm of visual arts during this time period (I've taken history classes before).

     My hope is that, throughout this experience, I learn as much as I possibly can about art art through the 60s and 70s, and maybe you do too.  This is mainly a learning tool for me, but I hope that at least some of the info I present will be new or interesting to anyone who might read this.

     So, this is how this blog will be laid out.  Each blog entry will contain:

  • A new piece of artwork, pertaining to whatever art movement is the theme of that series of blog posts (different movements will take different amounts of time to cover, and therefore, different numbers of blog posts).
  • Background info on that piece of artwork.  Usually this will be who the artist is, where they were artistically at the time the piece was created, and what the social and political climate was at the time.  At times, I may instead opt to cover an artist, when their works are so prolific and numerous that choosing just one is impossible.
  • My own personal review / opinion on the work.  Now, I know that a lot of you are probably thinking, "Who cares?"  Well, as I said, this blog is a method by which I hope to learn more about a time period in which I have a great interest.  And the way I learn to think about different types of art (especially film) is to review them.  So, as I said, most of you won't agree with me, or won't care.  If you don't care, skip it.  If you don't agree, just remember one thing: It's my opinion.  Mine.  Not yours.  You don't have to agree with me.  It's just what I think about the piece.
     So that, in a nutshell, will be my blog about the history of art in the 60s and 70s.  I think it should be fun, don't you?  Yeah, of course you do :)  And now, to kick off this blog and put us right in the 60s, I present to you, one of my favorite monologues about the time period, from my favorite film of all time,  "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."